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Letter From Membership Vice President

Letter From Membership Vice President

Dear Potential Sisters,

Membership in Alpha Xi Delta at Sonoma State is something that has changed my life forever. Being a part of such an amazing organization with such wonderful women has been one of the highlights of my college years. Taking part in all of the wonderful social and philanthropic activities Alpha Xi Delta offers never disappoints.

The women of Alpha Xi Delta have been apart of my fondest memories. These girls have experienced my proudest moments with me, my biggest smiles, and lots of laughter. One thing we pride ourselves on is our continuous sisterhood. We are always there for each other and truly do care about each member.

This organization has helped me grow immensely. It has allowed me to realize my potential as both a sister and a woman. Being a part of this sisterhood has allowed me to grow personally through community service, philanthropic events, Greek life networking, and being a part of a true sisterhood. 

The ladies of Alpha Xi Delta wish you the best of luck during recruitment and hope that every one of you finds true happiness with a sorority that means as much to you as Alpha Xi Delta means to us!

I look forward to meeting you all!


Membership Vice President